Saturday, August 22, 2009

Growth Spurt & More

This past week has been so exciting for Kailani, she finally learned that she needs to crawl forward and not backwards! It's the cutest thing, to see her try to get around and grab for everything. She also says dada and mom even though she doesn't know she does it she totally says it! She has grown up so fast, and I don't know where time went. I remember when she was born and now she's already 6 months HOLY COW!

Thursday, she got to spend time with her new friend Owen, I think she found a new play date! It was totally cute to watch them interact with each other and laugh. It's so nice to have her play with another baby, Owen is 8 months old so it works out so good since they are only 2 months apart.

She also showed her funny side this week, when I was bathing her. She totally had her head down the whole time and she finally looked up and had a soap unibrow, it made it that much more funny when she sat there and laughed about it!
This week has been such a fun week to watch Kailani grow. I hope that this process slows down a little bit, so I can enjoy her new growth spurt!
On another note, Dana and I also have had some time to enjoy each other's company before he has to start school full time on Monday and work Full time! I know I don't express this enough but, I am so blessed to have such a hard working husband and provider for our family! Sometimes we confuse things we Need with things we Want, and I'm thankful to have Dana remind me of that and come back to earth! (lol) We know that everything is never perfect, we're not the Partridge family, we make mistakes, we talk them out and we move on. Our family is Blessed with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and we know that no matter what we will be an eternal Family!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Summer Vacation

That's right! We finally got our vacation time in for Summer and we had such a good time in California visiting our family! It was so nice because this time we had a whole week and didn't have to worry about rushing back home. So our first stop was Cedar City, where we watched Dana's buddy Robbie in his scrimmage for SUUDaddy's twin!

Luckily we were able to leave early enough on Saturday to make it to Kailani's blessing on Sunday. We were so greatful to have Dana's dad conduct the blessing and have all of our family present.

even my sister & Gianna

Most of the time we spent in California was spent visiting family so Kailani got to meet her Great Grandma from my dad's side on Tuesday, and she was so excited to see how big Kailani was and how she already is so anxious to crawl.

We also got a chance to go to the Angels game with Cindy, Seth, my sister, her husband and kids.

Kailani also got to spend time with her twin cousins and Great Grandpa in LA. I think she loved her grandpa because he reminded her of her Papa here in Logan. She cuddled up with him and kept smiling the whole time.

One of the main things you always have to do in California is go to the beach, which was a perfect ending to a nice vacation.
here's Kailani with her Grandpa Chuck, she finally got used to the mustache I think!
here we are with our niece and nephews

Visiting Dana's grandparents the Gigi's. It's always fun listening to grandpas stories.
Our last stop going home was visiting my grandma's grave, I'm so glad we stopped by because we at least got pictures of Kailani next to her Great grandma's memorial

After a great week in California, I am so greatful for Seth and Cindy & Maggie and John Ray for allowing us stay at their place and spent whatever time they could with us! We also are greatful to come back to Logan where the weather cooled off in the week we were gone, crazy how cool it got after just one week, or maybe its just that we have been so warm in So Cal!