The past 11 days have gone something like this...
For beginners Kailani is doing great, the first 2 days at home she had to be put under the light because her jaundice count went up from when she left the hospital & oh my goodness it was crazy! She had to be on it around the clock the whole weekend so at night it was like sleeping with the lights on, thankfully it worked and it went down by monday & the dr took her off the lights. Dana was especially thankful for that since he hates watching tv or sleeping with the lights on, but she's totally worth it!
Anyway she's actually a pretty good baby, she wakes up 2 times a night & when she's in a good mood she usually eats & goes back to sleep - although sometimes she makes me stay up for an hour or two, oh well I can't complain at least she's healthy right? Oh the other night I accidently fell asleep with her in my arms & since i didn't want to get up when I realized it I put her next to me on her bobby pillow, well Dana wakes up at like 7:30 am and can feel something pushing his back-- you guessed it! she had managed to roll off the pillow and was right behind Dana, thankfully he realized it before he rolled on top of her; gosh I felt so bad, like I was a bad mommy I almost cried! Anyway so she's ultimately doing good and always has something new for me to learn, I especially love it when daddy talks to her while she's sleeping and she smiles or makes funny faces, I think she already knows her daddy is a silly boy!
Jr & Kailani

she loves her sleep
Ooo we're so excited to see her! I love that first picture of her, you'll have to email me that picture!
Cindy she is just SOOO cute!! Nights are definitely the hardest part but just know that at some point you'll forget what it was like to up in the middle of the night sometimes :) All of our babies have ended up in bed with us most of the time. I always woke up with a sore arm because I had it propped up creating a wall so that Corey wouldn't crush them, lol. Don't feel too bad about her rolling off of the boppy. It's amazing the stuff little babies go through and are totally fine. I'm sorry about the novel, lol.
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