Spring is finally here!!! We've had upper 70 degree weather lately and it's wonderful!!!
Anywho...Lately I've had a lot of random things come up, I feel like I'm always busy! This weekend we had a birthday party for my niece & nephew while the kids had fun with their games we decided to have a friendly boy vs girl tug of war, it was really fun and unfortunately the boys won.
Anyway it was also fun to see my cousin Raymond, he's a truck driver and had a load up in Salt lake so he was able to spend time with us here in Logan. The funny thing is he just turned 23 and he totally made me realize how I've grown up in the past year, one of the things that he said to me that stood out was "Wow, you're not the same Cindy I know" I think at first it was hard to admit and it kinda bugged me, but when I thought about it, he's totally right I don't drink, I don't party and I go to church , and I have a family to worry about so how could I be the same person? As I thought about all of these things it hit home hard I love the way my life has changed in the past year and I wouldn't change that for anything in the world.
Dana and I just had our 1 year anniversary on Sunday and I can't say how happy I am to have married such a great person and I hope for a lifetime of eternal happiness with our beautiful daughter.
On a side note, I also set a date for baptism, June 13th! I'm really excited for everything and I'm glad that God has given me the anwers to the questions I've had. At first it was a little scary to explain it to my mom, but she reasurred me that as long as I'm happy and believe in God that she supports my decision and I'm so very thankful for that blessing....Anyway, if you have a chance it will be at the Tabernacle at 630.
Oh I also wanted to share that I finally got a stroller! We were going to spend $80 but we got a great deal on one for $28!!!! I was so excited that we can finally go on walks!

now that Jr see's us feeding the babies he loves to pretend he's feeding his..:)
1 comment:
Yes, so glad its spring! But, it has been super hot in good ol' Cali. Almost too hot! We are excited to see you guys in a couple of weeks! I really want to see Kailani smile in person. That girl has some personality! We are so proud of you and you're decision to be baptized. It will truly be a huge blessing for you and your family! We love you guys!
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