Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Decorating Fun

Yesterday was such a blast, I woke up excited as can be to decorate Kailani's room! Since she was born I've been trying to create a cute girly, vintage look, but I had failed so far. Well I went to Joann's and bought fabric for curtains and borrowed my mom for the day! lol We also went to Hobby lobby where I bought these cute hooks for the curtains and a cute light switch cover! It all turned out so cute, I originally thought I'd use green ribbon for the curtain, but the brown looked a lot better so we went with that. I also ended up painting her name to a lighter pink since they were hot pink before, and I was going to hang them on ribbon, but I didn't have enough of the right color, so I ended up just glueing ribbons on the actual letters!
Anyway I ended up finishing around 7 last night but I love how it came together.

I love this

My sister in law Nicole was also over last night and since we had the sewing machine, we decided to play with it and try to make some blankets! Little did we know we'd succeed, they came out looking really good for first timers! Luckily, Nicole has taken sewing classes and she kinda remembered certain things to do! lol Anyway here are the blankets we made and I even made a little burpy cloth, I think for now we've agreed on sticking to sewing in straight lines! lol

I loved this material & the bright colors!

pretty good I would say!

Monday, November 2, 2009

October in General

So this past month has been kinda crazy. I started the month by getting a gym membership and started working out, I even lost a couple of lbs, and I was feeling good about myself; well at least that lasted for two weeks. We also attended a Halloween party and did things around the house.
Oh we also got Kailani walking up the stairs, but she still doesn't know what to do about coming back down, it's one the cutest things because she gets so happy that she can do it. She also is talking a lot more, I even caught her at church making noises while we were singing the hymns, I think she's starting to understand a lot more.

Other than that I should also say that my work out only lasted for two weeks because I quickly found out that Dana and I are expecting baby #2! It was a total surprise and we're still trying to figure out how everything happened so quickly and still at least I'm still in disbelief. Dana on the other hand handled it pretty well, he's trying to be supportive and look at the positive side, but I'm still kinda on the back burner. But with enough prayer and positive thinking I know I will get better at accepting the fact that I've got another baby on the way.
On a lighter note, Halloween was pretty fun, we went to our church Harvest festival on Friday night which was so much fun with all the kids dressed up and the games. On Saturday I dressed up Kailani as a pumpkin and she was such a cute,happy pumpkin we didn't do much trick or treating because she's still so small, but we did give out candy to all the trick or treaters. Hopefully next year will be more of an active Halloween for Kailani.