So yesterday we woke up to like 6 in of snow on the ground and the snow just kept coming down it was crazy! Not to mention we were having Sydney's baby shower in the afternoon & we were all worried that no one would show up, but luckily it turned out ok. Anyway I sorta fell in love with egg rolls my mom bought at Sam's - oh my gosh they were so good they were mini so I ate like 10! lol Anyway so we opened gifts and all the good stuff, then everyone left & just my family was left in the living room to clean up & talk. Well little did we know while we were having a great conversation Jr & Evan decided they were hungry & were quietly eating chips in the family room, and those sneaky kids decided to drop the chips all over the carpet... oh my gosh it was the funniest thing yet since I just got done telling them how Jr had gotten to my diaper genie the other day & yanked out all of the bags from it! Anyway I thought it was so funny since grandma & grandpa let those kids get away with murder.
Sydney & gifts

haha they look so innocent

ha notice Jrs head in the bowl! lol
i finally got another pic of Dana & Kailani