Today I had my weekly Doctor check up! So I'm at 37 weeks and only 3 weeks to go! Its all so exciting to be almost done. So according to the Dr I'm already 2 cm dialated which is really good, since I have been experiencing contractions the past couple days & extreme backaches, not to mention getting close to no sleep. He also guessed she'd be about a 6 lb baby & I'd have a fast labor since I'm already dialating & my pregnancy has been really good -not to mention I've only gained 15 lbs, which is great for 1st time mommy.
So even though I'm only 37 weeks it is typical for babies to come sooner than the due date of 40 weeks, so I can only keep my fingers crossed for baby to come early!
Oh and I've got to say Dana is so cute, he is so excited to be daddy & to for her to come out that he was giving her belly kisses & talking to her today it was so cute! Anyway I'll keep everyone posted as soon as I hear or feel anything new. For now here's some pics of my current baby.
daddy & meaty

She wasn't so happy about this!

Spoiled brat